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Thursday Talks with National Equity Project, featuring LaShawn Route Chatmon
#Thursdaytalks with LaShawn Route Chatmon of National Equity Project

Thursday Talks with QWOCMAP, featuring Madeleine Lim
#Thursdaytalks with Madeleine Lim of Queer Woman of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP)

LeaderSpring Center’s Annual Alumni Mixer
LeaderSpring Center’s Alumni Mixer
Join us on December 17th for our End-of-Year Mixer—a special opportunity to celebrate the incredible community we’ve built together. This gathering is for everyone who has participated in our programs or supported our organization throughout the year. The event will be held at Drake’s Dealership in Oakland from 4:30 to 7:00 PM.
We look forward to connecting with you, reflecting on the year’s shared accomplishments, and celebrating all that we’ve achieved together. We hope to see you there!

Thursday Talks with IME Consulting/Coleman Advocates, featuring Neva Walker
#Thursdaytalks with Neva Walker of Coleman Advocates

Equity Series: Healing is Justice!
Discover the crucial role of individual and collective healing in fostering justice and liberation, and how it enhances our well-being.

Thursday Talks with W.O.M.A.N Inc, featuring Jill Zawisza
#Thursdaytalks with Jill Zawisza of W.O.M.A.N Inc

Tuesday Talks with CCDC, featuring Malcolm Yeung
#Tuesdaytalks with Malcolm Yeung of Chinatown Community Development Center

Thursday Talks with S.H Cowell Foundation, featuring Anu Cairo
#Thursdaytalks with Anu Cairo of S.H Cowell Foundation

Thursday Talks with New Breath Foundation, featuring Claudia Leung
#Thursdaytalks with Claudia Leung of New Breath Foundation

Tuesday Talks with Y & H Soda Foundation, featuring Luis Arteaga
#Tuesdaytalks with Luis Arteaga of Y & H Soda Foundation

Tuesday Talks with Hike it Out Coaching, featuring Raynelle Rino
#TuesdayTalks with Raynelle Rino of Hike It Out Coaching

Tuesday Talks with The San Francisco Foundation, featuring Yolanda Alindor
#Tuesdaytalks with Yolanda Alindor of The San Francisco Foundation (TSFF)

Thursday Talks with EPIC, featuring Estella Owoimaha-Church
#Thursdaytalks with Estella Owoimaha-Church of Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)

2023 Equity Series
RECONNECTING: A Visionary Gathering of Women of Color LeadStrong
The Changing Face of Philanthropic Leadership
Executive Transition: Impact and Opportunity

2022 Equity Series 25th Anniversary Edition
Moving from Oppression to Abundance: Shifting our Relationship to Money and Power with Liberation in A Generation
Embodying Distributive Leadership: A Case Study of HMD/The Bridge Project
Board Summit: Centering Racial Equity

2020 Equity Series Online
Board Summit: Centering Racial Equity
Coache’s Night
Equity Centered Organizational Structures

2019 Equity Series
Advancing equity in design thinking: A Workshop